DT:Premiere | Eduardo De La Calle & DJ Surgeles - Track 1.001 [Árido]

DT:Premiere | Eduardo De La Calle & DJ Surgeles - Track 1.001 [Árido]
DT:Premiere | Eduardo De La Calle & DJ Surgeles - Track 1.001 [Árido]


Árido Records is a young label from Chile living in the realm of techno to ambient with an eye on being futuristic, cerebral and rebellious.

The fifth EP welcomes an unexpected collaboration from two quality techno interpreters from Spain Eduardo De La Calle and DJ Surgeles from Netherlands respectively. With a combined back catalogue that includes Sven Väth’s Cocoon and Jeff Mills’ Axis Records, the pair were always going to deliver something special and the Nonblished Framworks EP certainly delivers the goods.

For this DT:Premiere we selected “Track 1.001” that has a spacey feel from the word go. Gritty and hypnotic synth pulses dance around a bubbling bassline and the hats pierce the air, adding even more funk and flavour. Creative, reversed audio highlights and added dreamy textures propel this sci-fi soundscape of pure-blood techno sounds.

Buy the Digital release from Beatport / Bandcamp


ARD005 - Eduardo De La Calle & DJ Surgeles - Nonblished Framworks EP

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