Amazone Records are a French label to uphold, being very much at the forefront since beginning life in 2005. Their consistently great releases mix heavy hitters such as Audio Injection, Perc and Flug for example, with up and coming talent is refreshing and for me, how it should be.
The seventy third release named Hypnotic Tool from the impressive Italian Bodyscrub is a floor worker with a driving intensity and darker elements by way of growling highlights under the jackin’ beat.
Niereich from Austria should need no introduction as he makes another appearance as a remixer, switching up the original to deliver a more soulful and deeper angle but maintaining a chunky ride.
Mexican Fixeer has been a one to watch for a while now and edging as my favourite on the EP. He throws in a grinding, tougher version that has hypnotic elements from panning atmospherics and killer drum work.
Berlin transplant Avgusto brings the darkness, a straight and relentless, maniacal pounder, complete with some haunting tension and massive throbbing bass line.
Great package here from top notch artists that has just the right amount of diversity to suit your mood on the fly and quickly pick out the weapon of choice.
- Reviewed by Jack! Who? for